Monday, 30 September 2013
Earn $100 a Day Working From Home
I'm going to start this off with a simple statement of fact.
If you are working from home right now and NOT making progress or profit, you CAN change your direction, starting today.
It's not hard. And it's NOT expensive.
You can earn $100 a day online.
Starting right now... with no gurus, no gadgets and no gimmicks required.
As a matter of fact... I'm going to go out on a limb and make the following prediction:
If you have a keyboard, are willing to be a wee bit creative, you CAN earn copious amounts of cash online, and that is a fact.
If you are struggling...
You need a new equation.
And content creation, done well, is the online currency that leads to cash. (and clients, or conversions, or whatever it is that you need to succeed)
Here is the thing when it comes to content creation.
Most people think that you've got to update your blog every day, or do a ton of guest posting or be a really GOOD writer to turn your content into cash.
It's not true.
You only need to be willing to work hard, apply some daily discipline and be willing to succeed.
Let me give you a simple formula for earning $100 a day that's incredibly easy to test, and that works wonderfully well for thousands, if not tens of thousands of ordinary work from home marketers and online entrepreneurs, right now as I write this in September of 2013.
Here is the equation.
Find an affiliate offer that has an EPC (average earnings per 100 visitors referred) of $80 or over. (in other words, the amount of average affiliate will earn per 100 visitors sent to the offer)
Write articles (much like this one) that links from your resource box, to a root level redirection that moves readers who want to know more from the article, to the offer. (your re-direction uses a simple html page that forwards directly to the offer using your affiliate cookie)
Pick offers in BIG niches. (diet, dating, divorce and other niches that have tons of traffic and evergreen audiences)
Write enough articles per day to drive 100 visitors per day to the offer! (if you are "average", and you pick an EPC offer of 80-100, you WILL earn $100 per day if you stick with it)
The truth?
100 visitors per day using this method is DEAD simple. I generated 1 million new readers in about 6 months using this method, (and about 300 THOUSAND visitors to my landing page)without any experience, and without any tricks, all free traffic and so TOO can you! (no gimmicks and no gurus required
Article Source: Alexa Ross
Thursday, 26 September 2013
Wednesday, 25 September 2013
Tuesday, 24 September 2013
Starting a home abased business is a really big decision, especially if you are a stay at home mom, because you have to juggle in between running your home business and keeping things in order at home. It is really important that you find the time for yourself to take it easy or else, you will burn yourself out and that is not a good situation if you have kids constantly running around the house. In this article, I will share with you 4 tips, that I have come to live by as a stay at home dad that will help you to find time for yourself.
Step #1
Take a moment in your busy schedule and get a quick breather, doing this will help you refocus your mind and give you that quick boost of energy to keep on going. Don't ever get into the mindset that you will fall behind in your work if you stop to take a break. To some people, this may seem counterproductive, but coming from experience this really works. During the 2 years that I have been as a stay at home dad and raising 7 kids, I have had the opportunity to take breaks that has helped me to write article and build websites.
Step #2
Do not isolate yourself. Mingle with family and friends because they can be a great asset in relieving a whole lot of stress. As was mentioned in step 1, socializing can help you be more focused as you continue to work on your home business. So, any stay at home moms who are reading this article, this is one pointer that you will not want to forget.
Step #3
Spoil yourself during the times when you are taking a break. If you have children, see if extended family members or friends can babysit your children for a couple of hours. Some ideas that I am going to throw at you, is that when you take a break, enjoy a nice hot bath and surround yourself with all sorts of treats. Later on in the day, if you are feeling tired from all that article writing, advertising, phone calling, blogging and website building, take a moment and has a short snooze. Taking those short cat naps can provide huge benefits for your brain and the rest of your body. Being a stay at home mom is no easy task, especially if you have children.
Step #4
Just like going to work and working an 8 hour shift, your employers will give you off duty time where you can go home at the end of your shift to rest and relax. Pattern you schedule after this manner where you will work on your home business, you pick the hours, and when that time comes, set aside your off duty hours and make sure that you tell your kids that such and such time is set aside for you only. It will take some time for your kids to adjust, but they will soon adapt to your time.
Following these 4 simple steps will help you progress even further as you seek to establish your home business and become a successful stay at home mom entrepreneur.
For stay at home mom(s), are you looking for a way to make money from home, sign up for my newsletter and receive important information on how to be a successful entrepreneur and find out which work from home program will help you to become successful.
Article Source: Milo_Pabawena
Monday, 23 September 2013
A Lifestyle Without Boundaries
Life is for living, yet for so many, it means being tied down to a job, stuck in one place, one holiday per year if you're lucky, and then only for a few weeks. And to save money you visit relatives so you can save on accommodation! Sound familiar. We've all done it.
Well it's time to get out of the boring, dull and monotonous routine and start living. Time to break through the barriers that hold you back. Time to start putting your dreams into action and your goals into reality!
And here's how to make it happen.
Rule number one - Get Started!
It's no good talking about it, thinking about it, wishing for it or waiting for someone else to make it happen. If you want it all, you have to do it all, simple as that.
Stop comparing someone else's life with your own, and wishing yours was better. Make it better. That's what a lifestyle without boundaries is all about. And anyone can do it, you just have to get started.
Doing the same thing the same way, year in year out will not get you the results you want. You need change. You need a different direction, and you need action.
As the saying goes "Actions speak louder than words". And how true it is. Talking about a better life won't get you one, but putting a plan into action will.
Rule number 2 - Keep At It.
So many people make the decision to change, stick at it for a month or maybe even a year, but as soon as it gets too hard they give up. If you want it all, if you want a lifestyle without boundaries, you can not be a quitter. Quitting is not an option, and you must be prepared to take the word quit out of your vocabulary if you are ever going to be successful and achieve your goals.
Finally rule number 3 - Don't Let Others Drag You Back.
The road to where you want to go won't be a smooth one, let's be practical. There will be bumps, twists and turns. But you must stay on the track if you want to finish the journey. So be prepared, there will be plenty of people trying to pull you back. They will offer all sorts of advice, they will tell you things like "you can't do that" or "it will never work". Just remember, the ones who tell you, you can't, are the ones who don't do it themselves! And they have no business interrupting those of us who are.
To live a lifestyle without boundaries, to have freedom, time and money to really enjoy life, to provide for your family is there for anyone who makes the decision to do it. And with the persistence to see it through you will enjoy a lifestyle far beyond your dreams.
My plan for a lifestyle without boundaries began when I discovered an amazing home business concept that has shown me the way to a life better than I could ever have imagined. And I have had my share of negative people all offering their opinions! And what I have found out is that if they knew and understood the business, they'd be in the business, simple as that.
Article Source; Wendy_D_Ghidella
Thursday, 19 September 2013
Women in America are becoming work at home moms and they are doing much more than just staying at home, taking care of the kids.
Staying home to raise children is a gift to you and your children. The reality is though stay at home moms often have need to consider creating or replacing the family income lost after leaving a job.
As with any part of life developing a clear plan of action will lessen the stress when the time comes to make the decision. Work at home moms will weight out many factors, from cost of day care to wanting to be the nurturer of their own children.
Transitional strategies from job to being work at home moms is an important key to exactly how successful switching from the outside work force to being at home 24/7 will be.
Since this will require a change of mindset, now is a good time to be considering whether this is to be a temporary change of employment or a more serious career change. Either way you need to lay a solid foundation with goal planning or strategies in place before you step into this new work world.
Begin by assessing your current work skills there are many resources online that would help you to do that but some of the main considerations will be.
Are you a Self Starter?
Can you stay Focused through little interruptions?
Can you Set priorities and boundaries?
Are you able to use Time management & scheduling?
Are you generally organized?
This may be a time when you want to follow your passions and make a complete career change. Work at home moms are also very often online students. And this may be the time when you pursue further education in line with your new career goals. You will need to be cautious about taking on more than you are able to commit seriously too.
It is important that you not lose touch with the social side of your life, include that in your overall plan. Sometimes you can create a compatible arrangement by integrating your social life and parenting to the benefit of both.
Now is a great time to think outside the box when considering all the options for yourself, you will be more successful work at home moms if you are happy at what you are doing.
Entering the world of internet marketing can be both exiting and profitable for work at home moms, and offer you a wide range of opportunities of great value. Amazon has one such affiliate program. Many online affiliate marketing opportunities exist that require little experience and low cost to get started.
There may be a learning curve involved and you should never plan for internet marketing to provide you with instant income. While you need to check out the benefits and costs of such programs carefully, Amazon is one such well-known affiliate program that is an easy beginner plan.
There are many legitimate MLM systems available that are both popular and profitable where you can definitely live the dream of being work at home moms and entrepreneurs.
Plan carefully and be willing to commit to your decision to live the dream of nurturing and providing for your family.
Article Source:Doris Sigfusson
Wednesday, 11 September 2013
Monday, 9 September 2013
15 Vital Tips on Working from Home
Working at home can create challenges in focus. There are so many distractions ranging from meal preparation, laundry, household cleaning, yard maintenance, pet care, errands, childcare and self-care. Hours can slip by quickly without the feeling of accomplishment that anything really productive occurred. If you have switched from a traditional job and office setting to a home employment environment, it can be difficult to set up structure to your day to provide you with a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.
Here are 15 tips to provide a better sense of forward movement towards your career goals while juggling the responsibilities of home and children.
1. Throw Out the Long "To-Do" list.
-Gone are the days where you can mark off a long "to-do" list. Pick one task that if accomplished that day would move your forward one baby step at a time.
2. Avoid Multi-Tasking.
-Choose your focus and give yourself to it fully. When in you are in your mother role, really get into it fully so that your child feels you are truly present with her. When you are working on your business, give it your full attention. Multi-tasking is over-rated and diffuses your energy. Segment your day as needed so that each part of it gets a single-minded focus.
3. Consider Getting Up an Hour Early Before the Family and Children Awake in the Morning.
-This sacred hour is for you. You can use it for writing that book inside you or any other significant project related to your career or life goals. Some women like to meditate, pray, do yoga, or write in their journal. Choose what brings you focus and direction for the day ahead.
4. Strive to Complete your Most Important Objective Before Lunchtime.
-Whenever you can complete priority tasks early in the day, the more your day will feel satisfying overall. If unforeseen events occur as your day unfolds, you may feel less stress knowing that your chief aim of the day has already been finished.
5. Create a Vision Board.
-Paste pictures of your goals and dreams on a poster board. Place this poster in a prominent spot and spend 5 minutes a day absorbed in looking at the images. Keep this time free of interruptions even if you need to sneak to the bathroom for 5 minutes.
6. Use Affirmations.
-Write down one or several affirmations on a note card. Frame the affirmations in a positive light and in the present tense using "I am... " For example, "I am making steady progress on completing my book and enjoying motherhood and family life while I write it." Tape this affirmation to your mirror or on your computer and repeat it aloud several times each day.
7. Consider Being a Finisher Instead of a Starter.
-If you have previously been one who starts a lot of tasks or projects but leaves them incomplete, consider finishing or de-committing from the ones that are begun before starting new ones.
8. Learn to Say "No".
-Raising children while working at home is a full day. Avoid volunteering or committing to each request of your time if you are feeling overwhelmed. It is okay to say that you are spread thin and to ask you again later. Keep your plate manageable instead of overflowing.
9. Give Yourself Time to Plan and Think.
-Carve out time for planning. Decide your chief focus for that week or month. As decisions arise, decide by pondering if saying yes is in alignment with your focus. A clear goal makes it easier to say no if needed.
10. Record your Successes.
-Instead of focusing on what you did not accomplish, focus on what you are accomplishing. Consider having a journal to record your successes, even small ones. Little successes add up over time, and your attention on what you are getting done will give you confidence that you can chip away at completing a big project.
11. Acknowledge What is Going Well and Focus on Gratitude.
-If you wrote 5 pages for your book before lunch, completed an unfinished task, had a wonderful meal with your family, cleaned out a closet, had a wonderful date night with your husband or any other item that feels good, relish that feeling. Think about all that you are grateful for in your life now. Record in a journal each day at least one thing you are grateful for today.
12. Simplify and De-Clutter.
-Keeping your email inbox cleaned out, your desktop neat and tidy, and periodically do a cleanse of your closets, drawers, files and commitments. Simplifying and sorting allows a peace and energy that will uplift you instead of drain you. Clutter diminishes your energy. Keep things that are useful or bring you joy, and get rid of the rest.
13. Find an Accountability Partner or Coach.
-Support from a friend or coach can be helpful to keep you on track and focused. Incorporate regular phone chats with focus on keeping your clear direction and eliminating time wasters and distractions. Partnering with other moms who are working from home can assist you in feeling less alone. A life or business coach can be a great asset to cheer you on as you make baby steps towards your goals.
14. Have Fun and Celebrate.
-As you reach your business objectives, be sure to celebrate. Have fun along the way, but also celebrate your completions and accomplishments.
15. Refresh and Take a Break.
-Take some time to relax between projects and recharge your batteries. Replenish yourself with whatever fills your cup. It is okay to take time before you begin the next big objective.
Your children will grow up fast. Be aware of the balance scale of motherhood and family life with career, which may need to tip one way or the other at different times. It is possible to be productive as a mother working from home. Enjoy each day of your journey!
Original article by Lisa Shultz
Here are 15 tips to provide a better sense of forward movement towards your career goals while juggling the responsibilities of home and children.
1. Throw Out the Long "To-Do" list.
-Gone are the days where you can mark off a long "to-do" list. Pick one task that if accomplished that day would move your forward one baby step at a time.
2. Avoid Multi-Tasking.
-Choose your focus and give yourself to it fully. When in you are in your mother role, really get into it fully so that your child feels you are truly present with her. When you are working on your business, give it your full attention. Multi-tasking is over-rated and diffuses your energy. Segment your day as needed so that each part of it gets a single-minded focus.
3. Consider Getting Up an Hour Early Before the Family and Children Awake in the Morning.
-This sacred hour is for you. You can use it for writing that book inside you or any other significant project related to your career or life goals. Some women like to meditate, pray, do yoga, or write in their journal. Choose what brings you focus and direction for the day ahead.
4. Strive to Complete your Most Important Objective Before Lunchtime.
-Whenever you can complete priority tasks early in the day, the more your day will feel satisfying overall. If unforeseen events occur as your day unfolds, you may feel less stress knowing that your chief aim of the day has already been finished.
5. Create a Vision Board.
-Paste pictures of your goals and dreams on a poster board. Place this poster in a prominent spot and spend 5 minutes a day absorbed in looking at the images. Keep this time free of interruptions even if you need to sneak to the bathroom for 5 minutes.
6. Use Affirmations.
-Write down one or several affirmations on a note card. Frame the affirmations in a positive light and in the present tense using "I am... " For example, "I am making steady progress on completing my book and enjoying motherhood and family life while I write it." Tape this affirmation to your mirror or on your computer and repeat it aloud several times each day.
7. Consider Being a Finisher Instead of a Starter.
-If you have previously been one who starts a lot of tasks or projects but leaves them incomplete, consider finishing or de-committing from the ones that are begun before starting new ones.
8. Learn to Say "No".
-Raising children while working at home is a full day. Avoid volunteering or committing to each request of your time if you are feeling overwhelmed. It is okay to say that you are spread thin and to ask you again later. Keep your plate manageable instead of overflowing.
9. Give Yourself Time to Plan and Think.
-Carve out time for planning. Decide your chief focus for that week or month. As decisions arise, decide by pondering if saying yes is in alignment with your focus. A clear goal makes it easier to say no if needed.
10. Record your Successes.
-Instead of focusing on what you did not accomplish, focus on what you are accomplishing. Consider having a journal to record your successes, even small ones. Little successes add up over time, and your attention on what you are getting done will give you confidence that you can chip away at completing a big project.
11. Acknowledge What is Going Well and Focus on Gratitude.
-If you wrote 5 pages for your book before lunch, completed an unfinished task, had a wonderful meal with your family, cleaned out a closet, had a wonderful date night with your husband or any other item that feels good, relish that feeling. Think about all that you are grateful for in your life now. Record in a journal each day at least one thing you are grateful for today.
12. Simplify and De-Clutter.
-Keeping your email inbox cleaned out, your desktop neat and tidy, and periodically do a cleanse of your closets, drawers, files and commitments. Simplifying and sorting allows a peace and energy that will uplift you instead of drain you. Clutter diminishes your energy. Keep things that are useful or bring you joy, and get rid of the rest.
13. Find an Accountability Partner or Coach.
-Support from a friend or coach can be helpful to keep you on track and focused. Incorporate regular phone chats with focus on keeping your clear direction and eliminating time wasters and distractions. Partnering with other moms who are working from home can assist you in feeling less alone. A life or business coach can be a great asset to cheer you on as you make baby steps towards your goals.
14. Have Fun and Celebrate.
-As you reach your business objectives, be sure to celebrate. Have fun along the way, but also celebrate your completions and accomplishments.
15. Refresh and Take a Break.
-Take some time to relax between projects and recharge your batteries. Replenish yourself with whatever fills your cup. It is okay to take time before you begin the next big objective.
Your children will grow up fast. Be aware of the balance scale of motherhood and family life with career, which may need to tip one way or the other at different times. It is possible to be productive as a mother working from home. Enjoy each day of your journey!
Original article by Lisa Shultz
Tuesday, 3 September 2013
How to make your first $1000 online.
Making money from home does not need to be difficult. It's not tough, complicated or even all that "sexy".
The truth is, the home based entrepreneurial industry has been "hijacked" by gimmicks, gadgets and "gurus" who want you to believe that there is a secret sauce to success.
There isn't. And I'm here to give you an alternative that DOES work. (and will work for you if you follow my advice)
Here is the thing...
The big LIE about building a viable, valuable and enduring home based business if that you've got to sell something to succeed.
This is actually 100% untrue.
The real secret?
You've got to BUILD something.
Create value first... and then let the natural laws of the marketplace take over.
Here is a great example. (and how you can turn this idea into $1000 this weekend)
I want you to take a few minutes and do a little bit of market research in your local community.
What types of professionals are doing the best?
Who are the people, and in what industries... do you see the most "real world" success?
Real Estate? Finance? Medical?
Identify who it is that is making the MOST money, in your current community, and begin there. (and this law is pretty consistent in most geographic areas around the country... and depending a wee bit on where you live, in the world as well)
Next, I want you to proactively BUILD something that adds value, empirically... and that caters to this community of professionals.
For example?
The first $1000 I ever made online, was a simple cosmetic dentistry website I built from scratch, using Wordpress, a $8 dollar domain name and advertised on Craigslist, from my sparsely furnished spare bedroom.
The whole site took me a day to create. And I lived in NJ at the time. (a few thousand miles away from the doctor who bought it in Los Angeles)
All I did was identify a HIGH value niche, a high value domain name (the name of a suburb of Los Angeles) and the keyword "dentistry" and put the whole thing together while watching ESPN highlights in the background.
I stuck the site on Craigslist, and on several other free classified sites... and to my surprise, after only about 24 hours, I had 4 or 5 inquiries.
One guy offered me 2 thousand dollars in 5 monthly payments of $400.
Another doctor offered me $1000 in one.
And that's the one I took! (because I really needed the money fast:-)
The truth is, there are now many powerful permutations of the exact process above, that can be done in any niche, any community and require NO real experience, or expertise... outside of a willingness to be proactive.
So don't sell something.
Build something.
And let what you build... sell itself
By Alex Ross
The truth is, the home based entrepreneurial industry has been "hijacked" by gimmicks, gadgets and "gurus" who want you to believe that there is a secret sauce to success.
There isn't. And I'm here to give you an alternative that DOES work. (and will work for you if you follow my advice)
Here is the thing...
The big LIE about building a viable, valuable and enduring home based business if that you've got to sell something to succeed.
This is actually 100% untrue.
The real secret?
You've got to BUILD something.
Create value first... and then let the natural laws of the marketplace take over.
Here is a great example. (and how you can turn this idea into $1000 this weekend)
I want you to take a few minutes and do a little bit of market research in your local community.
What types of professionals are doing the best?
Who are the people, and in what industries... do you see the most "real world" success?
Real Estate? Finance? Medical?
Identify who it is that is making the MOST money, in your current community, and begin there. (and this law is pretty consistent in most geographic areas around the country... and depending a wee bit on where you live, in the world as well)
Next, I want you to proactively BUILD something that adds value, empirically... and that caters to this community of professionals.
For example?
The first $1000 I ever made online, was a simple cosmetic dentistry website I built from scratch, using Wordpress, a $8 dollar domain name and advertised on Craigslist, from my sparsely furnished spare bedroom.
The whole site took me a day to create. And I lived in NJ at the time. (a few thousand miles away from the doctor who bought it in Los Angeles)
All I did was identify a HIGH value niche, a high value domain name (the name of a suburb of Los Angeles) and the keyword "dentistry" and put the whole thing together while watching ESPN highlights in the background.
I stuck the site on Craigslist, and on several other free classified sites... and to my surprise, after only about 24 hours, I had 4 or 5 inquiries.
One guy offered me 2 thousand dollars in 5 monthly payments of $400.
Another doctor offered me $1000 in one.
And that's the one I took! (because I really needed the money fast:-)
The truth is, there are now many powerful permutations of the exact process above, that can be done in any niche, any community and require NO real experience, or expertise... outside of a willingness to be proactive.
So don't sell something.
Build something.
And let what you build... sell itself
By Alex Ross
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