Thursday, 15 May 2014

7 Ways To Make Money From Your Blog

Its the core strategy of a vast number of successful internet marketers. Blogging has proved to be one of the most enduring methods of income generation working online. Why? It fulfills the basic requirement of any online marketing campaign, it gives value to its readers first. The sales side has to follow after you have established a rapport with your audience just like any other social media platform. It takes time and effort and I will be sharing the required strategies with you over the coming weeks.
For now lets look at the methods bloggers use to monetize their blogs
1/ Adsence
The starting point for many bloggers on their journey to making money online. Run by Google, Adsence sells advertising to business which then places ads on blogs and websites in the form of banners. It is possible to make a reasonable income doing this but you will require an engaged regular audience and lots of traffic. Google will require your blog to reach a certain standard before it places ads on it but you can apply and wait until their criteria are met.

2/ Affiliate Offers
Acting as an affiliate for online products is the most popular method of making online sales, but not the easiest. It takes a lot of work to engage with your customer first but there are "Super Affiliates" out there making large sums doing it - but not just from blogging. The best route is by writing a product evaluation followed by a link. Sources of affiliate products are Clickbank, JVzoo, Clicksure, Amazon, Ebay, to name but a few.

3/ Banner Ads Place banners on your blog either for an affiliate offer or for another independent marketer. Use banner ads to promote your own online/offline products.

4/ Email Marketing You will hear this a lot "the money's in the list!". An email list is still considered to be the best method of making an online income bar none. Build a list and send them useful information about your niche and include sales emails from time to time. A Blog is considered one of the best ways of collecting email addresses as the person is already engaging with you. An accepted sign up rate is 1 in a 100 visitors so not a fast method of email collection but much will depend on how much traffic you send to your Blog.

5/ Produce an Ebook After you have written 20 or so articles on your Blog, put them together to produce an Ebook. If the content is of a high standard (and it should be) then you can either sell it, usually for around $1 or give it as an incentive to join your list. Remember you can promote your Ebook on your Blog.

6/ Website Link This method suits small business that may struggle to get their main website ranked on search engines. A much overlooked SEO method, probably because its free! Google obviously loves Google Blogger and given that you post quality content regularly its not difficult to rank on the first page in your niche. link your Blog to your website using hyperlinks.

7/ Blogging for Big Business For Bloggers that become accepted authorities in their niche there is the opportunity to work for big name retailers reviewing and promoting products or working for multi nationals as part of their PR campaigns. Not many of us will want to do this or indeed be good enough to be considered but the rewards are there for those who do.

There are many more ways to make money from Blogs but here are but 7. None of the above is of any use at all unless your content is very good and you drive traffic to your Blog so people read it!
Until my next post.... Anna

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