From: Cindy Taylor
Dear Friend,
Are you tired of worrying about losing your job?
Or looking for one?
Do you lay awake at night worrying about the next rent or mortgage payment?
Are you sick of the helpless feeling that you’re not able to provide for yourself and your family?
If so, then I am writing this to YOU. Because, I am certain, completely convinced that I can help you.
I can show you a way to stop being a victim of the economy and abusive employers
The only reason that I can say this with so much confidence, is because I have been there myself
I know how discouraging it is to search endlessly for work, waiting for that email to appear, or the phone to ring. Waiting for someone to choose you, give you a job and income. It can be terrifying. I know. I have been in the same situation myself.
Like so many of you, my own life began heading downhill sometime in 2008. My husband and I had just purchased a print shop. I know, I know – a dying industry. We knew, print wasn’t going to last, but we thought we might get ten or more years out of it. What we didn’t know was that the economy was on the brink of collapse.
We closed the store for good in 2009. After that, I tried training for a new career, but without relevant experience, no-one wanted to hire me. This was the first time in my life that I went to interviews and didn’t land a job. I was terrified, I felt completely helpless.
I did find a job, eventually…..
But the vulnerable feeling stuck with me. Suddenly, even a job didn’t seem so stable any more.
I’m sure you don’t like to talk about it much. No-one does. But I’m convinced that I’m not the only person who has struggled with feeling helpless in this economy. In my opinion, we should start talking about it.
Because that is how we change things for the better.
So I’ll go first…
In 2011, I found myself in the exact same position.
I found a job that I hated. And I clung to it with a death grip. To make matters worse, my own fear and anxiety, was causing me to make dumb mistakes.
Which made me afraid that I would lose my job….
Which caused me anxiety…
Which caused me to make dumb mistakes…
You get the picture…
Just before the Holidays, I hit my lowest point ever
On the last Friday afternoon before the holiday break, my boss walked into my office and said these two words.
“You Suck”
That had never, ever happened to me before. I felt completely humiliated. I immediately felt the heat rise into my face. (I’ve never been able to hide my emotions very well)
The worst part?
He was right.
I did suck. I made dumb mistakes all the time. And I hated that job. I hated it, and I couldn’t help myself.
And I just wasn’t able to do a good job, at a job, that I hated.
The very last thing my boss said to me that day was, “You should take the holiday break to think about your future here.”
I went home that day, discouraged – but determined to find an answer
That day, something changed for me. I decided that. Somehow, and I didn’t have any idea how, I was going to find a way to never be that dependent any one person, any one job, ever again.
That night, as I lay awake for another sleepless night, I thought to myself, “Well if no-one else wants to hire me, I will just have to hire myself.”
I had no idea where to begin. Except, I was pretty sure that whatever the answer was, I would find it online.
I spent the entire holiday scouring the internet, and by the time I returned to work, I had a pretty good idea what I was going to do next......
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