Saturday, 21 March 2015

LIST SPARK, Could This Go Viral in 2015?

Things are changing in the Internet Marketing and Network Marketing world. I call it the "Hybrid" where the two worlds meet. Could this one be the game changer

"The money's in the list" we are told but we are faced with a string of hurdles to jump in order to make it a reality. Not only do we need a capture page, hosting for that but we need follow up products to sell and if its to work properly a fully functioning funnel.

Great but that is a HUGE amount of work even if you have the skills to do it yourself. Then, of course, you have to drive targeted traffic to it that converts into sales.

So what if someone had set up a program that MADE money from building the list and then put all the other components in place for you? To be fair my experience of done-for-you squeeze pages, sales funnels and list building strategies in the past have not always been good but I may have found a little gem!

I put a great deal of weight on the way a program is introduced to me. On this occasion it was through a well respected IM'er, not in the usual way but just as a post on his Facebook page. It said "look at this! I cant believe how easy this is to do!"

After being involved with Internet Marketing for a few years now I possess a healthy skepticism when it comes to online products but this one offers the opportunity to use it for free. I signed up but soon converted to the paid membership because not to have done would have been like throwing money away.

At the time of writing this has only been on offer for a few weeks but already looks like its gaining traction. The way its set up means that it has every chance of going viral.

Take a look for yourself I plan to update my Blog with my results as I go so watch this space.


Monday, 16 March 2015

A Preview of the Fiverr Buyers Guide

The Fiverr Buyers Guide was launched Last month to rave reviews because it gives a whole new take on buying from Fiverr.

The author, Ron Farrow, Uses Fiverr daily as part of his online business and shares his tips and tricks with the reader.

I have reproduced a small part of the Ebook as a taster to its content and format.


Fiverr is a world class platform for buying and selling a range of online services. That’s a
given; so is its reputation in producing a wide range in quality from the brilliant all the way
down to the downright dreadful.
If you use Fiverr just to send a friend an unusual birthday surprise and it goes a bit wrong or
arrives late, it’s not the end of the world. Run out and get a bottle of Jack Daniels or box of
chocolates. If however, you have a contract to fulfil or a website to launch, it becomes a big
Nevertheless, it remains that there are incredible bargains to be had from Fiverr but you need
to know where to look, the right questions to ask and how to get true Fiverr value.
Step by Step How to Choose a Fiverr Seller
Go to the menu bar at the top of the Fiverr first page and select the general heading under
which the gig you require comes, e.g. “Graphics & Design” and select the specific heading
e.g. “Logo Design.”

You will then be presented with the “Recommended” already loaded for you to scroll through
or the option of loading either “High Rating” or “New”.
Now here is where it gets interesting. The accepted wisdom is to go for the high rating,
looking for the gig that most suits your requirements and the seller that has five stars – a
quick scroll through the feedback to confirm the star rating and place the order, sit back, and
wait for delivery. Should be no problems and everything will be fine, right? Wrong! And
here’s why.
First, you need to ensure that the seller is capable of doing the work you are asking of them.
Once you have selected a possible candidate, select “The Seller” and you will be presented
with four facts.
Positive Rating
One hundred percent is good but with clarification a less than perfect score may be okay.
More on that later.
Fiverr sellers are from around the globe, including places the BBC, CNN and Sky News
don’t even go to, so we need to be aware of the issues this throws up. Sellers from very under
developed countries or those with ongoing conflict taking place are likely to experience
internet down time with consequences to our delivery.

Choosing a seller from the other side of the world, there is going to be a time difference. It’s
not a deal breaker but that may depend on the working time of both you and them. I have
used sellers from 12 time zones away most successfully but they never seem to sleep!
Answering queries and taking direction during my working day.
There seems to be a reluctance on the behalf of some, if not many buyers, from Western
countries to source work from Third World Countries. I have no idea why. I have some
excellent sellers from the Indian Subcontinent, Malaysia, the Philippines, and some parts of
the Middle East. It’s the quality of work that’s important, not where they come from. Also,
occasionally a seller that claims to come from the US may well turn out to come from India,
so use it as a guide only.
Another reason for keeping an open mind about the location of the seller is that $5 in a much
bigger slice of cake in some parts of the world than the western world. So it's crazy not to at
least consider them especially for time consuming gigs.

This is a taster of the Fiverr Buyers Guide which is 18 pages long and covers the following...

Legal Matters
Step by Step How to Choose a Fiverr Seller
Where to Find the Real Gems
How to Avoid the Shockers
How to be a “Good” Fiverr Buyer
Alternatives to Fiverr
What to Buy on Fiverr
What Not to Buy on Fiverr
How to Turn a $5 Fiverr Gig into $50 or Even More!

To get your copy just fill in the form in the side bar top right of my blog. You will get the full Fiverr Buyers Guide" in PDF form complete with ALL updates as long as you stay subscribed.

Best, Anna

Monday, 9 March 2015

How I made My First $100 Online

Imagine, if you will, being somewhat 'technically challenged' and determined to build an online business. Sound impossible? No, just difficult but possible if you build on your strengths.

Starting out 

I made a list of all the online skills I had. That didn't take long! Essentially it amounted to a basic understanding of Microsoft Word and the ability to copy and paste. After discounting the usual 'paid surveys' and such schemes at first it seemed unlikely that there was anything that would fit the bill. After much searching I discovered Online Arbitrage.

Defining the business opportunity

Arbitrage is the purchase and sale of an item profiting from the difference in price in separate markets. Online arbitrage just means that the item is deliverable using the internet. 

What can be traded

Graphics and design, audio and video, online advertising and marketing, writing, social media posts, the list is lengthy. Indeed anything that's deliverable via the internet.

Where do we buy

There are a wealth of resources online for buyers of all manner of digital products and services. The best known is Fiverr but there are plenty more. Fivesquids, SEOclerks, Fourer, and many more.

Where do we sell

There are are as many places to sell online services as there are to buy them. Craigslist, Backpage, Gumtree, in fact any classified ads site.

How much money do we make

As with any business the success or failure depends upon the effort the owner is prepared to put into it and therefore the rewards are reflected accordingly.


Provided you are prepared to put in the work there is a definitely the opportunity to make money this way, even if you have never managed to make money online before.

Ron C Farrow